Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back in Kyiv, Part 1

Sunday, July 15
Back to Kyiv – on the home stretch

During the night in Rivne, a cool front came through with a bit of rain. As I opened the window of my room, the waft of cool fresh air was such a blessing this Sunday morning. We could even drive the bus without the A/C on, and it was still comfortable! Slava Bohu. This break in the weather will be helpful as we push toward the end of our tour. 

Today, we learned that the cost of the damage from the accident to our bus in L'viv, though it was clearly the fault of the other driver, will be borne personally by our bus driver Oleg. Estimated repairs somewhere in the neighborhood of $450 (3500 UKR hrivna). A hat was passed through the bus, and due to the generosity of our members, nearly 4000 hrivna appeared in it. We presented it to Oleg during the drive to Kyiv this afternoon. He was speechless, tried to decline it, and then nearly cried. (FYI: Russian men do not cry). Evangelion = bearing good news. Good news indeed today for Oleg.

Proverbs 11: 24-25
24 One person gives freely, yet gains even more;
    another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.
25 A generous person will prosper;
    whoever refreshes others will themselves be refreshed.
In many ways, our next two days in Kyiv will be the culminating experience of the entire trip. We are excited to be able to record our concert at Central Baptist tonight, which has great acoustics for sound and we anticipate a full house. We miss our home chorale members, but this will also be our only chance to hear what we sound like with our 7 Ukrainian singers in our midst. If we could only bring The Seven home with us, and add them to our home chorale members. What a sound that would be! 

Thankfully, we have a little time in the hotel to rest and prepare for our second to last concert. Keep us in your prayers. Ending strong is always good.

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