Tuesday, July 10, 2012

All roads lead to Kyiv (then to Zhitomir)

We spent the day traveling back to Kyiv from Poltava. Long travel day. The roads started out awful, and gradually got nicer the closer we got to Kyiv. The EuroCup's presence has made a tangible difference in the infrastructure here. Major road construction, and reconstruction. Those of you who remember long road trips in Ukraine will appreciate this: new, 4-lane paved asphalt highways with lights and guardrails, punctuated regularly by charming roadside gas stations (with clean bathrooms) have transformed the experience of traveling through Ukraine. Charm lost, yes. Progress marches on, welcome nevertheless. No "green stops" behind the trees necessary thus far! After checking back into the Hotel Rus in the late afternoon, around 30 of us boarded the bus and headed to a "folk" resort down on the banks of the Dnipro, across from what the locals call "The Chicago Coast," which is much like the Gold Coast on the shores of Lake Michigan. From our bank of the Dnipro, we could see the gleaming, high skyscrapers with their Penthouse apartments on top. This restaurant was near a marina full of Minnesota-worthy boats of all sizes, and the air was gratefully cooler with its proximity to the river. At the restaurant, we enjoyed a delicious multi-course Ukrainian meal which included our first red borscht and other delicacies served by waitresses in traditional Ukrainian costumes, it was a welcome break from form-fitting bus seats and trail mix! Much laughter and great fellowship. Time for a good night's sleep we head for Zhitomir tomorrow. (Sleep which I am not currently enjoying because here I am on my computer at 4am Ukraine time!). Thankful for WiFi, however. Keep us in your prayers. There is still much ahead of us!